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Saltastic Salt Therapy & Wellness Spa

Hand & Foot Detox

Experience Natural Detoxification

The Himalayan Salt- Hand and Foot Detox is a unique, multi-faceted treatment. Individuals are seated comfortably in a chair while their extremities are placed on heated, smooth, and gently glowing pink salt blocks. The warm setting of the salt allows the body to detoxify by opening the pores. Like bathing in the ocean, salt pulls water and toxins from the body.

It softly exfoliates, relaxes the hands and feet, and stimulates the entire central nervous system for repair. It will leave your whole-body tingling and decompressed. Colour therapy is an added psychological benefit to this experience, it induces a meditative state of consciousness which allows for the utmost relaxation.


What Does The Himalayan Salt Detoxer Do?

When the Himalayan Salt Detoxer is warmed, the salt releases negative ions that are anti-microbial, air purifying, skin purifying and that promote a sense of well-being. Purifying the air by binding positive ions help dust and allergens to settle.

The warmth of the stone causes the feet to sweat, allowing the salt to purify and cleanse. Toxins are pulled out and minerals pulled in, thus decreasing unhealthy acidity. This also helps ease tiredness, aching and symptoms of stress caused by over-exertion.

As well, the Himalayan Salt Detoxer softens and gently exfoliates the skin as it binds with salt through the moisture of the hands and feet.

it is a source of many vital nutrients. Himalayan salt can contain as many as 84 natural minerals vital to health that can be absorbed through the skin.

The Himalayan Salt Detoxer is the perfect reminder of the healing qualities we experience at the ocean.

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